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Product Detail

Product Name: Aqua Glow Skin Refreshing Combo for Hydrated & Fresh Skin

Product Price: 1076

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Brand Name: MamaEarth

About Products : - It is extremely potent and full of minerals like Magnesium, Potassium & Calcium, which help maintain the skin’s barrier, promoting healthy and youthful skin. - Mamaearth Aqua Glow Skin Refreshing Combo with hyaluronic acid face wash Hyaluronic Acid: It helps bind water to skin, keeping it hydrated and making it look plump and fresh. The best part? It works well on all skin types. - Aqua Glow Skin Refreshing Combo with aloe vera Aloe Vera: It contains antioxidants, enzymes, Vitamins A and C, and has well-known anti-inflammatory properties. It also moisturizes and works exceptionally well on sensitive skin.
